Over the last few weeks I’ve explored the 7 states of a working class cultural professional’s career. The aim being to help you understand where you are right now and how the challenges you face or will face may be overcome.
I’m very pleased with the response to the articles, I think recognition of the working class experience in the sector has been overlooked for a very long time so these articles have been timely.
I understand also that many if not all of these states could apply to many types of people, they are not all peculiar to the working class.
I do not claim working class people’s disadvantages are unique, lord knows there is inequity everywhere, but there are some unique aspects worth reflecting on which everyone can learn from.
Working class cultural professionals lack the social and financial capital they need to make the most of their talents. This capital is getting tougher to acquire and maintain. The cultural sector is inept in how it manages its people, the scale of the sector is small and poorly resources so there is an inevitable and steady flow of people leaving the sector simply because they have no choice..
Let’s face it, you can find easier, better paid jobs outside of culture everywhere.
Nobody benefits from this arrangement. Until the cultural sector faces up to the reality of how it actually works rather than how it imagines it treats people, this won’t change soon.
Anyway, if you are a working class cultural professional these articles give a route map through your career and as always I’m here to help.
You can find all the articles here:
Message me if you’d like to talk further.
