1. Start with why
If you know why you want to lead you will know HOW you want to lead.Work out who you are and clarify your motivations. Spend time looking in before you look out
2. Know where you want to go
Describe your vision in detail, not only when you want to achieve your ambitions but be clear what that means and who will be involved in your ideal world.
3. Find the leadership style right for you
Leadership is not a suit of clothing to be put on each day for work. It has to be AUTHENTIC to you, your principles and personality.
4. Manage your demons
Know your emotional triggers, understand your biases and train yourself to respond appropriately to any situation despite your emotions.
5. Look after yourself
If you are tired, overwrought, stressed, pressured, worried how on earth can you expect to lead anyone effectively. Put a self-care plan in place to make sure you stay on track.
6. Where does your professional expertise lie?
Your professional competencies will shape how you make real the future you want to create.
7. Know how to build a strategy
Strategy is the bridge between where you are now and where you want to be. Learn what a great strategy looks like and how to put your own together.
8. Know how to implement a strategy
Learn how to turn what is on a piece of paper into reality. Understand how to align resources to strategic intent.
9. Know how to generate ideas
Innovation is at the heart of any great organisation. Creating space to generate new ideas keeps the team fresh and your offer relevant.
10. Know how to build teams
This is where the rubber hits the road. Leaders need great teams to achieve great things. This is a non-negotiable.
11. Know how to manage people
Understand how one to one relationships can be grown to achieve impact.
12. Know how to influence your environment
Each of us operates in a networked environment. Develop your influencing skills to shape that environment.
13. Know how to resolve conflict
Understand what creates conflict and develop tools to navigate difficult relationships.
14. Develop your decision-making skills
Leaders are defined by the decisions they make. Understand how you make decisions and most importantly why.
15. Know how to get things done
On a day to day basis how can you make sure the things that need to be done ARE being done. Are you as productive as you might be?
16. Set your goals
Goals get you where you need to be so use them to drive forward not mark progress.
17. Roll with the punches
Change is inevitable, get ready to flex your plans but stay focused on a clear vision.
18. Look outwards
Know what is going on in the world, read books, monitor the strategic context you’re working in.
19. Set aside time for deep work
Always find time to think, write and plan deeply. Make it regular and make it uninterruptable.
20. Get some help!
You can’t do this on your own so get a coach, mentor or training.

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